Hollow Metal Door Replacement & Repair

Residential Hollow Metal Doors

Residential Hollow Metal Doors

For any interior or entryway in GTA, we have years of experience in installing, servicing and repairing the doors themselves and all the parts that make them work. Our professionals respond to any call for home doors, Global Glass and Aluminum services or to advise on installation, repair or replacement. We can match new doors with existing doors and get you the same or better hardware so they work and look great.

Commercial Hollow Metal Doors & Hardware

Hollow metal doors that GTA homes are relying on are also available for businesses, offices, warehouse and storage and for any commercial application. We got years of experience replacing and repairing hollow metal doors, and we’ll be happy to get your entryways and interior doors looking and working better. Also, we can do it within a budget that makes sense and still keeps your security top notch. Our experts at Global Glass and Aluminum can also help you get in or out better and with less expense and more peace of mind.

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